Pour plus d'information

graphique de programme sur le dendroctone du pin

Liens :

Livre et articles de revues:

Amman, G.D., McGregor, M.D. and R.E. Dolph Jr. 2004. Mountain Pine Beetle. Forest Insect And Disease leaflet 2. US Department of Agriculture. 9pp.
http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/fidls/mt_pine_beetle/mt_pine.htm. (en anglais seulement) 7/6/2004

Gadd, B. 1995. Handbook of the Canadian Rockies. Second Edition. Corax Press, Jasper, Alberta, Canada. 831 pp.

Furniss, M.M. and J.B. Johnson, 2002. Field Guide to the Bark Beetles of Idaho and Adjacent regions. Agricultrual Publications, University of Idaho. Moscow Idaho. 125 pp.

Schmidt-Nielsen1990. Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment. Fourth Edition. Cambridge University Press. New York. 602 pp.

Paine, T.D., Raffa, K.F. and T.C. Harrington. 1997. Interactions Among Scolytid Bark Beetles, Their Associated Fungi, and Live Host Conifers. Annual Review of Entomology. 179-206.

Pearse, V., Pearse, J., Buchsbaum, M., and R. Buchsbaum.1987. Living Invertebrates. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Boston, Massachusetts and The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove, California. 848 pp.

Wallace, R.L., Taylor, W.K. and J.R. Litton, Jr. 1989. Beck and Braithwaites Invertebrate Zoology: A laboratory manual. Macmillon Publishing Company. New York. 337pp.

Wilson, N. L. 2000. Preserving Ecological Processes: A Decision Support Document for Forest Insect and Disease Management in Jasper National Park. Masters Degree Project, University of Calgary. 156pp.

Site web:

Enchanted Learning: (en anglais seulement)

Foothills Model Forest: (en anglais seulement)

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (Développement viable des ressources) (en anglais seulement)

British Columbia Ministry of Forests (Ministère des forêts de Colombie-Britannique) (en anglais seulement)






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